When we become a Christian, there is a profound change that sweeps into every area of our life. One of those being in the realm of possessions. We become God’s possession (1 Peter 2:9) and our possessions become His. In other words, we move from being owners to being stewards. The resources we have, such as time, money, possessions and talents are now viewed as God-given tools to be used for His purposes. One day we will all stand before Him and give an account of how faithful we were with all we were entrusted with. (Matt 25:14-30; Romans 14:12).
I know this troubles some, but let me offer a perspective that might be helpful. My wife and I have not been able to buy a house so we rent. Many times this has been a blessing. For example, when termites were discovered. Because I didn’t own the house it wasn’t my problem. I simply called up the owner and told him the bad news, it looked like his house was under attack. I wasn’t worried at all, coming up with the money and finding the exterminator was his responsibility, not mine.
Recently we had a leak in an upstairs bathroom that ruined part of the downstairs ceiling. Again, my task was simple, call the owner and let them know there was a problem. It was their responsibility to find a plumber, call him out, and write the check when he was through. Then call out and pay the handyman to fix the ceiling. Through the whole process, I’ve been at complete peace. Why? I’m not the owner, I’m just a steward who is expected to be faithful while we are here.
I find the same peace producing dynamic when it comes to God. I don’t own the things He’s given me. He graciously allows me to use them for personal enjoyment (See 1 Tim 6:17). But when He wants to use His car, house, money or me* for His purposes, I am to be faithful. I am a steward and not the owner.
Here is where the rest comes. When a car breaks down, I can simply turn to Him and say “Lord your car is broken.” Then rest, waiting to see how He will provide for its repair. When there is a need in my life, I don’t have to stress. If my life has been given to Him, if I’m only a steward and not the owner, then my needs are His responsibility.
Here is my life verse. One of the most comforting promises in the bible.
Mt 6:33 (ESV) But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Put Him first in all things and then watch Him start directing and providing. He takes the responsibility of meeting your needs very seriously. I’ve walked with Him for almost 40 years and I can testify He is faithful. Living this way becomes quite addicting!
Lord give me the grace to release my grip on those things you’ve given me. Help me to surrender everything, including myself to you.
* 1 Peter 2:9 (ESV) But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
#stewardship #possessions #money #talent